Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Mental Well-Being and the Middle

 The middle of a story can be the most difficult part to write. Beginnings and endings have their own energy, but middles can get muddled, especially if you're a panster. After six months, we're past the beginning of the pandemic. Many people are dealing with health issues, unemployment, or loss of a loved one. There are plenty of local crises as well. Even if you're not directly dealing with these problems, the changes in routine and the constant stream of bad news add up to overwhelming stress. I'm no well-being expert, but here are a few things I do to help me cope with our new normal:

Enjoy nature--During the summer, I like to go for a walk first thing in the morning. It's good exercise and clears my mind. I don't tolerate cold very well, so I won't be doing that once the weather turns. However, we do have a bird feeder in the back yard, and feeding and watching the birds helps me stay connected with nature.

Try new things--Over the past few months, I've tried new recipes, picked up new sewing projects, tried writing in a new genre, and even experimented with different types of nail art. I'm going to crochet blankets for my son, my husband, and myself this winter--if I can find time

Look for ways to help--I've been writing letters for Vote Forward to encourage people to vote. You can also donate to charities or volunteer your time.

Find a new routine--My husband's board game collection is so extensive it may rival my book collection in the amount of space it takes up. Although there are many that require more than two players, we've found some that work well with two players. It wouldn't be Saturday night without a couple of hours devoted to Mice and Mystics!

 We're all protagonists trying to make it to the end of this story. What's your strategy? Feel free to share in the comments. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mice and Mystics - I'll have to look for that one. We love board games.
I walk twice every day and there is a ton of wildlife about, from fox squirrels to hawks, and it's relaxing.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I've been trying a bunch of new recipes, especially in my brad machine. (Which is what you do when the only yeast you can score is a pound's worth.) We also built a patio, decorated it, and are now working on a firepit.

Maria said...
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Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Alex, I'm not sure if Mice and Mystics is still available. It was originally developed by Plaid Hat Games, but I think they were bought by another company.

Diane, we've been baking a lot too. I would love to have a patio and firepit in our back yard, but we have to get rid of a tree first.

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