Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May Writing Update

Due to unexpected events affecting my blogging schedule, I didn't post anything for Mid-Month Mysteries this month. I think I'm going to change the format for June so I can talk more about books/authors I'm familiar with.

I managed to finish my solarpunk story in time to submit it to a contest, and I also wrote a flash fiction fantasy story that I'm submitting to whatever markets I can find. Hopefully I won't be distracted anymore from revising Restaurants and Revenge or writing stories for The Season Between collection (stories set after Summon the Seasons.) I also hope that once we get our new dishwasher next week, it'll free up more time in the evenings to write. There's so many things I have to do every weeknight that I typically wind up with less than an hour to write and even less time to figure out what I'm doing. 

WisCon is this weekend, along with my son's birthday on Memorial Day. I still have to sign up for the virtual con, but since we're still not sure what we're doing, I've held off. Depending on what we do, I may not have much time for the online con.

Do you have any writing updates you'd like to share? Feel free to comment below.

1 comment:

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

Writing updates: I'm probably going to be late with my monthly author newsletter because it's already nearing the end of the month. But I am almost done doing the major revisions to a short story that I'm including in my upcoming book. I'm also near done with my concept sketch to the book cover for above said book which when done I'll send to an illustrator to make the final product (the book cover illustration). I hope you get your new dish washer soon. I don't know what I'd do without mine; I struggle enough as it is to fit in my writing tasks.

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