About You--Terri Bruce--1/1
The Writing Life--T.W. Fendley--1/2
The Creative Process--Emily LaBonte--1/3
Words of Wisdom--Vicki Lemp Weavil
Tell us about your new book and when it is out? Where can people purchase it?
The Star Family has just been released. Jane Frey inherits a Gothic mansion filled with unexpected treasures. A prophecy claims it hides an important artifact – the key to an energy grid laid down by the Founding Fathers themselves. Whoever controls this grid controls the very centers of world power. Except Jane has no idea what they’re looking for.
Is there anything new, unusual, or interesting about your book? How is it different from other books on the same subject?
While my husband was being interviewed at a book fair, I picked up a copy of William Blake’s Sexual Path to Spiritual Vision. I mean, wouldn’t you? In the introduction, I discovered that his mother was raised in the same tiny Protestant church I was raised in—the Moravians. OK, sex and the Moravians? I didn’t think so. Reading further, I discovered that in the 18th century, my ancestors were mystics and taught sacred sexuality. I imagined my grandfather’s outrage on learning this. I had to know more. Lucky for me, Craig Atwood, who now teaches at Moravian College, had already done a lot of research about this period. Who knew my ancestors were so colorful?
The modernist writer H.D. wrote two novels that hint about this history, The Gift and The Mystery. She hints while I come out and have my character discover this controversial time in no uncertain terms.
What was the hardest part of writing this book?
Imagining the reaction of some Moravians. I was afraid they’d think I was making light of our heritage or trying to make us look bad.
Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?
I learned that my ancestors were connected to the Rosicrucians. I learned that Comenius, while he was bishop of our church in the 1600s was head of the Rosicrucian order at the same time. Also that the German Protestant movements and the Freemasons and Rosicrucians tried to overthrow the Hapsburgs. They would have been successful if James I of England had thrown in with them. This is all pretty astonishing when you grow up in the South during a conservative time.
Tell us about your book’s cover – where did the design come from and what was the design process like?
Earthly Charms did the cover and my press let me work directly with them on the design. I searched for likely images and filled out her form. She did five draft designs for me and I got to pick the one I liked, then tweak it even more. The image is of Charles Bridge in Prague, where part of the book takes place. We added an Advent Star, which is an important part of the plot.
Theresa Crater brings ancient temples, lost civilizations and secret societies back to life in her paranormal mysteries. In The Star Family, a Gothic mansion reveals a secret spiritual group and a 400-year-old ritual that must be completed to save the day. The shadow government search for ancient Atlantean weapons in the fabled Hall of Records in Under the Stone Paw and fight to control ancient crystals sunk beneath the sea in Beneath the Hallowed Hill. Her short stories explore ancient myth brought into the present day. The most recent include “Bringing the Waters” and “The Judgment of Osiris.” Theresa has also published poetry and a baker’s dozen of literary criticism. Currently, she teaches writing and British lit in Denver. Visit her at http://theresacrater.com.

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A recurring dream
A 400-year-old ritual that must be
completed before it is too late
Jane Frey inherits a Gothic mansion filled with unexpected treasures. A prophecy claims it hides an important artifact – the key to an energy grid laid down by the Founding Fathers themselves. Whoever controls this grid controls the very centers of world power. Except Jane has no idea what they’re looking for.
“The Star Family . . . explores the esoteric aspects of a progressive Protestant sect called the Moravian Brethren and weaves their history into a fascinating piece of speculative fiction. What if the Moravians had continued to observe some of their controversial practices in secret? What if their rites and music have played a role in withstanding the malignant forces that threaten to overwhelm modern society? What if one woman who discovers her true ancestry could oppose dominion of darkness through music and erotic spirituality? What if a town in North Carolina holds the key to bringing harmony to the world? Readers who enjoyed The Historian and The DaVinci Code will enjoy The Star Family.”
Dr. Craig Atwood, Moravian College
Director of the Center for Moravian Studies
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Other: Kobo
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