Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Ten Word Tuesday: Forgotten Books

What's the value in a book you've read but forgotten?


Jolene Perry said...

a short distraction?

Good point.

Porky said...

We may forget it, but that doesn't mean it didn't change us.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Jolene, it could mean that my memory's going as I grow older. ;)

Porky, you're probably right, though the effects of the book may be subtle.

PT Dilloway said...

Ditto what Porky said. Just because you don't consciously remember it doesn't mean subconsciously there's not an effect. I read hundreds of books as a kid that I can't really remember now; doesn't mean they didn't have any value or help mold my thinking.

Tony Benson said...

That's a lot to think about in just ten words.

Golden Eagle said...

I know I've forgotten many books that I've read--but I agree with Porky's comment. I often will remember things relating to a book, just not the book itself.

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