Wednesday, April 05, 2023

IWSG: My First Book and My Writing Journey

Welcome to April, everyone! Hopefully for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we'll start seeing more signs of spring soon. (We're getting snow as I write this.) 

If you're new to the Insecure Writer's Support Group, you can learn more about them on their website or Facebook page

Our hosts this month are Jemima Pett, Nancy Gideon, and Natalie Aguirre

 Our question for this month has multiple parts: Do you remember writing your first book? What were your thoughts on a career path on writing? Where are you now, and how is it working out for you? If you're at the start of the journey, what are your goals?

My first book was a fantasy novel called Let Silences Be Broken, which I wrote during an internship at the National Cancer Institute. It was about an albino woman who gained magic by refusing to speak. She goes on a journey to meet travelers from another country who don't speak her language (her people believe there's only one language, so this revelation is mind-blowing to them). I think it was told by the woman's traveling companion, but I don't remember exactly how it ended (other than with the woman finally speaking). I don't think I have a copy anymore, either in paper or some archaic electronic storage device, and honestly, I wouldn't want to read it. I'm pretty sure the writing would make me cringe, and who knows how bad the plotting would be.

Back in my mid-twenties, I wanted to write full-time as an alternative to the traditional day job. I turn fifty-three later this month, and at this point, I don't expect a writing career to ever happen. I have responsibilities to my family, and I have a steady day job with a variety of tasks and good benefits. I still hope to gain supplemental income from writing, and I'd love to have some fans and maybe even some recognition in the genres I write in. I consider myself lucky to be a hybrid author, able to write what inspires me while knowing I can publish it myself if necessary.

What has your writing journey been like? Feel free to share in the comments or post a link to your story.



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Full-time writer isn't in my plans either. Too many other things I enjoy.

Helen said...

My first book ended up 'copied' to various iterations of word processing programs also. And it did not get published, but once the ball gets rolling...
The best is that 'write what inspires me' part. :) Keep at it!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I still have all the short stories I wrote as a teen and no way I'd want to read them now.

Diane Burton said...

I don't ever want to read my first book. So amateurish, I'm sure.

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