Thursday, August 23, 2012

ChiCon Schedule

 This was supposed to post yesterday, but I was on a business trip and had some problems with the Internet connection at the hotel. Sorry for the delay.

When it comes to a convention like Chicon, I'm a very small fish in a very big pond. But even so, I'll still be on several panels next week. Here's my schedule:

Thursday, 8/30, 6:00-7:30 p.m. --The Future of Food

Friday, 8/31, 3:00--4:30 p.m.--Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading

Monday, 9/3,12:00--1:30 p.m.--Self Publishing- Why or Why Not?

I'll also be helping out at the BroadUniverse table, but I don't know when yet. I'll probably sign up for times at the convention after I've had a chance to agonize over the rest of the program.

1 comment:

Catherine Stine said...

Have fun. I want to attend a Broad Universe event next year. This year was too busy for me.

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