Friday, January 01, 2010

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

I've been a bit lazy about blogging the last couple of weeks. I've been off of work since December 23rd (I had plenty of unused vacation time), but most of the time I've been doing things around the house, writing, or even relaxing. (It's probably not surprising I do less relaxing than writing!) So I didn't get around to doing a year-in-review post yesterday. However, since January is named for Janus, the god of beginnings and endings, I figure I can still look back before I look ahead. I know technically the new decade doesn't start until 2011, but since I hit a significant milestone this year, I feel like looking back to 2000, the year I turned 30.

Ten years ago, when I rang in 2000, it was with Eugene, although we weren't married yet. I was living up in Wisconsin (we were in a long-distance relationship), and I was working for an enzyme company up there. I can't remember exactly what writing project I was working on at the time, but it might have been an early draft of Across Two Universes or a related work. Well, today I'm married with a toddler son, and while I'm still in the enzyme industry, it's for a different company. I've had a short story published in the meantime and worked on some other writing projects too. I started this blog and joined Facebook; both of them help me network with other writers. And while it may seem as if I've taken a real long time with Across Two Universes, I feel that this draft is pretty close to final. We'll see if I feel that way after I have other people review it. (grins)

As for looking ahead, I'd really like to finish Across Two Universes and start submitting it to agents. My job is going in a new direction, so I'll have to see how well that works out. I'd also love taking a vacation with Eugene; I don't think we've had a real one since Alex was born. And yes, I do turn 40 this year. It's a little strange to think about that, though it may feel a little more real as my birthday approaches. Then again, I have too much to do to sit around and brood about it.

Happy 2010 to all of you, and if you made any resolutions, good luck in following them!

1 comment:

Maria Zannini said...

Ref: And yes, I do turn 40 this year. It's a little strange to think about that, though it may feel a little more real as my birthday approaches.

LOL! I'd kill to be 40 again!

If it makes you feel any better, I think 45 was my healthiest and happiest year of all. (I started getting a little achy after 50.)

Happy New Year, Sandra!

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