Saturday, April 11, 2009

Things to Do on Your Day Off

Yesterday was a rare day for me; work was shut down and daycare was open. I took advantage of my free time by doing the following:

dropped Alex off at daycare
had my car emissions tested (a state requirement)--this involved a drive well out of my way
finished reading The Tipping Point
ran the dishwasher and unloaded it
tidied up the kitchen and living room
swept and mopped the kitchen, foyer, and bathrooms
washed and vacuumed out my car
deposited our change at the bank
went grocery shopping
boiled eggs for coloring
baked a loaf of bread in the bread machine
vacuumed the upstairs
scored a new high score in Bejeweled Blitz
picked up Alex
took him to the park
made dinner and did most of the dishes
gave Alex his bath and put him to bed

Oh yeah, and and I also wrote 500 words in Across Two Universes. I wrote in the afternoon before picking up Alex, but it felt more dramatic to list this accomplishment last.

Such a day of wanton hedonism, wasn't it?


Elana Johnson said...

Holy brown cows, woman! You get some mad praise for all of that! Whew. I'm tired just reading that list.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

The sad thing is I probably could have done more cleaning. Oh, and I forgot I also washed my son's winter coat. Anyway, that explains why I "only" wrote 500 words.

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