Our question for this month is Have you ever been conflicted about writing a scene or adding a scene to a story? How did you decide to write it or not?
This kind of concern was more common for me earlier in my writing career, particularly regarding scenes with sex or violence. I know it was emotionally hard for me to kill off a certain character in Twinned Universes, even though the event drove the rest of the story. I think the key here is to see if the scene really serves the story. It's not always easy for a panster to determine this, but ultimately I think the best approach is to write the scene. It may not work as well as you thought, requiring you to revise or delete it, but it's still good writing practice. The scene can always be saved in a separate file, though I've never returned to deleted scenes for inspiration.
What kind of scenes are you conflicted about writing? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
I love what you said. You can always edit or delete if the scene isn't working. Write it anyway. Good advice.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Smart to just write and worry about it later during editing.
You're right, it's good to write just to see what happens. You can cut it later. And sometimes put it back, and take it out again, and put it back, half a dozen times. Not that I've done that personally. :-/
See what happens and change as need be.
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