
Friday, July 14, 2017

Science of the Week, 7/14/17

Here are some of the most interesting science news stories I read this week:

Drinking alcohol while pregnant could have transgenerational effects

Drug restores cells and memories in Alzheimer's mouse models

Sleep, Alzheimer's link explained

Drinking coffee could lead to a longer life

FDA approves new treatment for sickle cell disease

What's on your skin? Archaea, that's what

Antibiotic nanoparticles fight drug-resistant bacteria

Soft and stretchy fabric-based sensors for wearable robots

Have a good weekend, and be sure to stop by Monday for a special guest post by Alex J. Cavanaugh!


  1. Drinking alcohol while pregnant just sounds dumb to me.
    I'll take my chances on a shorter life. Can't stand coffee.
    See you Monday!

  2. If frappes count then I'll live forever. 😁

  3. I drink a lot of green tea, Alex, so I wonder how its health benefits compare to coffee.

  4. I'm surprised by the one about archaea on or skin. I'd been under the impression archaea could only survive in low or no oxygen environments.
