
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Saint Louis and Cahokia

Our family took a short getaway to the Saint Louis area last week. We visited Meramec Caverns...

 and the Science Center, which had a special exhibit with replicas of King Tut's treasures.

The City Museum had so many things for kids to do, along with surreal art, that Alex wanted to stay there all day. (We only saw part of it.)

The main reason we went down to Saint Louis was to see Cahokia, the site of a Native American city. About all you can see today are the mounds they created for their ceremonial buildings and a recreation of Woodhenge, which helped the residents identify the first day of each season.

Of course, no trip to Saint Louis would be complete without a visit to the Arch. We also saw the Old Courthouse where Dred and Harriet Scott sued for their freedom.

 On the way home, we stopped in Springfield to visit Lincoln's tomb. For some reason, my photos haven't uploaded to Google yet.

We had a misadventure with our stuffed animals Stan, Rex, and Oscar Friday evening when their traveling satchel was left behind at a restaurant. We had to make a 40-minute round trip to get it, but luckily "the boys" were still there.

We spent a lot of time in the car on this vacation, but I read several books during the trip and nearly caught up with my Goodreads reading challenge. I also finished my second pass-through of Summon the Seasons on the Kindle, but I still have to update the text before I send it out to beta readers.


  1. Counting the drive and everything you saw, must've been at least five days. I've driven through St. Louis but didn't get to stop and see anything. Glad Alex didn't lose his friends.

  2. Good thing you got the satchel back. I lost my favorite stuffed animal when I was a kid and it was traumatizing.

  3. Alex, yes, it was five days including travel time. We stopped a few times each way to break up the drive.

    Pat, I'm not sure who would have been more upset about losing Stan, Rex, and Oscar--our son or us! We got Oscar on our honeymoon, but they all have sentimental value.

  4. I've been to St. Louis twice for work. I'm sorry I never got to see anything but office walls.

    Glad you got Stan, Rex and Oscar back. Losing them would've been a tragedy.

  5. Maria, yes, it would have been heartbreaking to lose them--probably more so for Eugene and me than for Alex.
