
Friday, May 12, 2017

Science of the Week, 5/12/17

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

First underwater carpet cloak realized, with metamaterial

Team cures diabetes in mice without side effects

Swearing aloud can make you stronger
(What about writing characters who swear?)

A unique enzyme pill could be a game-changer for gluten-sensitive patients

Research shows prejudice, not principle, often underpins "free-speech" defense of racist language

A slingshot to shoot drugs onto the site of an infection

Refrigerator for quantum computers discovered

New technology generates power from polluted air



  1. I should volunteer to let them test that diabetes cure on me. 😉

  2. Swearing makes you stronger? No wonder I can sling the weed eater so far when it doesn't want to work right.
