
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Formatting Fun

I've gone through Summon the Seasons once for a developmental edit, though I have a feeling there may be scenes that I'll want to revise again before I'm satisfied. In the meantime, I've been formatting the manuscript. I use a template that I bought from Book Design Templates. It's simple to use and works for both eBooks and paperbacks. I still have to comb through the manuscript to make sure everything looks right, and I always order a paper proof to check formatting. Formatting gets easier with practice, though.

How do you format your books? Do you use a special program or work with Word? Do it yourself or hire it out? Feel free to share in the comments.


  1. My publisher handles formatting, so I've never had to format a book.

  2. I use Word for ebooks. Draft2Digital processes a PDF that makes a decent paperback.

  3. I prepare print books in Word, but then I use the program most publishers use for the finished product, Adobe InDesign.

  4. You can't make it any easier than that, Alex!

    Pat, I make my paperbacks through CreateSpace using a PDF I export from Word.

    I might have to check that program out sometime, Diane!
