
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

IWSG: Use the Force!

It's time for another edition of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. The co-hosts this month are Stephen Tremp, Stephanie Faris, Susan Gourley/Kelley, Bish Denham, Fundy Blue, M.J. Fifield, and Loni Townsend.

When I realized I'd be posting on 5/4 (May the Fourth), I immediately thought I should do a Star Wars theme. After all, May the Fourth is Star Wars Day (because of May the Force Be With You.) I thought about comparing the Force to a Muse, or maybe even going with a Light Side (inspiration) versus Dark Side (writer's block) discussion. I'm sure many writers already know the power of the Dark Side! But these comparisons felt forced and unnatural to me. 

Then I remembered the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi telling Luke to "use the Force" and "trust your feelings." Sometimes one needs to disregard what others tell you to do and write what matters most to you. No matter how many or how few readers you have, the important thing you want your writing to do is establish an authentic connection with them. You can't be real when dealing with other people if you're not true to yourself first. Your instincts may not help you wield a lightsaber or throw Force lightning at your enemies, but they are the Force that will guide you to the end of your story.

Do you have writing mentors who have been like Obi-Wan or Emperor Palpatine to you? Can you think of any more connections between Star Wars and writing? Feel free to share them in the comments. 


  1. I think my writing now is like the Jawas recycling old junk and reselling it. Hahaha

  2. I stay true to what I write and wouldn't produce anything that wasn't genuinely me.
    I'll need the force to get through today and IWSG post day. I'll be ready for Cinco de Mayo tomorrow.

  3. Is your writing environmentally friendly then, Pat?

    Good luck keeping up with all the posts, Alex!

  4. If I knew the name of the big evil one in Star Wars,) (okay, I'm not a BIG star wars fan but I have seen all the movies, just watched the latest one this weekend). I'm not talking Darth, I'm talking his boss. I'd say Trump has just replaced him and now we'll all need the force to save us from the 'death star'! Seriously!

  5. I'll take Emperor Palpatine over Trump any day, Yolanda!

  6. All successful people have had a mentor at some point.

    I'm grateful for all the ones who saw a glimmer of hope in me and gave me some good advice over the years.

  7. Maria, I took a writing class from the late Kathleen Massie-Ferch about nineteen years ago. I considered her a mentor until she died of cancer in her forties.

  8. I think 'trust your feelings' is the perfect statement for any writer to follow. Trusting your passion doesn't hurt either. But I'm no Obi-wan. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  9. My writing buddies will often share articles about writing a best-selling novel, but I know I'll have to wait until after I finish my current series first. I'm writing them to be what I want them to be first, which appeals to some, but I know many don't lean that way. Maybe after they're done, then I'll write something popular.

  10. Feelings and passions should work together, right, Anna?

    It's important to have projects that speak to your heart, not just your pocketbook, Loni.

  11. Trusting our feelings is hard. Doable but hard. Having faith in ourselves can be harder. We are such insecure people, aren't we? Hang in there. And, even if I'm a day late, happy Star Wars day!
