
Monday, May 02, 2016

Blog Tour for Chaos Season

As part of the promotion for Chaos Season, I'm asking other bloggers to help me spread the word about my latest book. If you're interested, please visit this link to fill out the Google form. You can pick any date in June to post. Since this month is extremely busy for me (I have to plan for WisCon, my son's birthday party, my son's state book report, and Joliet Star Wars Day, among other things), I'm trying to keep this blog tour simple. I'll provide basic information (such as the book cover, blurb, author photo and bio, and social/buy links) to everyone. If you're willing to create a longer post, I can also send you a book excerpt or answer a few interview questions (please keep them short). You have the option to request an eARC of the book in your choice of formats. At the end of June, I'll randomly choose a blog host to win an Amazon gift card. The base value is $10, but if more than ten people participate in the blog tour, I'll increase that to $25.

Any questions? Any issues with the form? Please leave a comment below. Thanks, and have a good week!

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