
Wednesday, January 06, 2016

IWSG: Writing Goals for 2016

Welcome to the first Insecure Writer's Support Group post for 2016! I figure this is a good time to announce my writing goals for the year. (I'm writing this post pretty late, so I have to keep it short.) Basically, I plan to publish two books this year: Chaos Season and Fifth Season, Books Three and Four of my fantasy Season Avatars series. I also want to at least finish the first draft of Summon the Seasons, the final book in the series. I'm about halfway through revising Chaos Season and have a good chunk of Fifth Season done. If time permits, I also want to create my first box set of the first three books in the Season Avatars series and hopefully finish some stories that have been gathering dust way too long.

What are your writing plans for the year? Feel free to share them below.


  1. Isn't it going to be confusing if Fifth Season is the fourth book? It's like how originally I was going to call Chance of a Lifetime Second Chance but figured that would make more sense for the second book.

  2. Not confusing to me. And cool you'll do a boxed set. I thought it was awesome my publisher put mine into a boxed set.

  3. I hadn't thought of it that way, Pat, but the cover will state where each book is in the series. I'm more concerned about Fifth Season being mixed up with N.K. Jemisin's book The Fifth Season, which came out last year. Hopefully there will be enough of a lag between the books to help distinguish them.

    Alex, I hope the box set will help with marketing. I thought about putting all five books into a box set, but I'm not sure I could price that competitively.

  4. best of luck with your goals and happy new year! I have two short stories I need to finish and then the third book in my YA series, which I'm postponing because ... I know deep inside I don't want that series to end, LOL, I'll have to get over it eventually :-)

  5. Best wishes with your plans I like how specific you are about your goals. WTG. I'm not working on anymore mysteries this year, but instead, I'm challenging myself to write a memoir about a specific life-changing year in my life.

  6. Thanks, EEGiorgi! Good luck with your projects too!

    JQ Rose, being specific about a goal makes it easier to achieve.

  7. Basically at this point, I'm just throwing things at my agent and waiting for something to happen. I sometimes envy those of you who get to control what you publish each year. That requires a different kind of dedication.

  8. Best wishes for the publication of two books this year. Goals are great. Being flexible helps, too. I know when I set goals I have to allow for "life" to intrude and just go with the flow.
