
Monday, January 04, 2016

2015: My Year in Books

Happy 2016 to everyone! I hope you enjoyed the last couple of weeks. I had vacation from work, so it's going to be tough going back today.

Last year, I challenged myself to read 200 books. I ended up reading 208, very close to what I managed in 2014 (209 books). You can see the full list on Goodreads. Here's the breakdown by genre:

Science Fiction: 53
Fantasy: 92
Non-Fiction: 53
Other Fiction: 9

I seem to have dropped a book from the total. Chances are it's probably a fantasy book, since that continues to be my favorite genre, nearly half of my total reading (44%). Science fiction and non-fiction are tied at around 25% of the total, while the Other Fiction category remains the smallest at about 4%. (Due to rounding, the total doesn't add up to 100%.)

The vast majority of my reading (72%) was done on my Kindle. Of the 58 books (28%) I read in paper, 47 books came from the library. Many of them I checked out to avoid paying big publisher prices for e-books.

As for favorite reads, I'd have to list the entire Vorkosigan Saga; the Her Instruments trilogy; The Mermaid's Sister; Sword of Shadows; Parasite Rex; Seeds; "We the People of the Clouds"; Black Dragon, Black Cat; A Rational Arrangement; The Three Jaguars; Heart and Brain; Life on the Edge; The Martian; and Sapiens.

My paper To Be Read list continues to grow, and I still haven't transferred all the items I have on my Kindle Paperwhite to the Voyager. Even if I do read another 200+ books this year (I've already finished two), I'm sure my total TBR List will grow even faster. I guess that's a good problem for a bookworm like me.

What were your favorite reads from 2015? Please share them in the comments.


  1. Most of my reads were my books and graphic novels.

  2. I might hit that many books if you give me five years to do it.
    Favorite reads included Bryan and Brandon's Dead and Moaning in Las Vegas and the first in Heather Gardner's Maguire series.
    And crap, once my book goes back to my publisher that final time, I never read it again!

  3. I generally don't count my books, Pat, even though I go over them with a fine-tooth comb several times before I publish them.

    I haven't heard of either book, Alex, but thanks for the recommendation!
