
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Seasons' Beginnings Now in Extended Distribution

The title pretty much says it all. You can find Seasons' Beginnings on iBooks, Nook, Page Foundry, and Scribd. Kobo is still in process, but it shouldn't take long via Draft2Digital. For some reason, the cover doesn't show up at B&N, but it does everywhere else. I haven't had a chance to publish this yet on Google, but once I do, I'll add more links to my website.

I'm done with the current round of edits for Scattered Seasons (Book Two of the Season Avatars) and am starting to send it out to my beta readers. Once I straighten out a few business-related things, I'll contact the Book Cover Diva to prepare the cover. I'm tentatively planning to publish it in April--perhaps for my birthday. I definitely want it out by WisCon in May.

Even though I haven't finished the outline yet for Chaos Season (Book Three of the Season Avatars) yet, I have started the rough draft. I plan this to be a five-part series, with the remaining books to be titled Fifth Season and Summon the Seasons. So if you don't mind, I'll keep this post short so I can write. Enjoy your day!


  1. IBookstore - awesome!
    Good luck with an April release. When my publisher announced the release date of my next book, I was real worried about an April release. I think I have a handle on it now and can survive a release and the A to Z Challenge in the same month. Maybe...

  2. Alex, I'm not sure yet if I'll do the A-Z challenge this year. Still thinking about it. My free time is so limited that visiting other blogs would cut into my writing time significantly. I do know I want this book out before WisCon, and May gets hectic for me between the con and planning for my son's birthday party at the end of the month.

  3. My cover took a few days to show up on B&N too.

  4. I'm glad there are so many more distribution channels but I so wish there was a simpler (read: standardized) way to upload a book.

    Looking forward to the next story! Even if you're not ready yet, send me a synopsis so I can start thinking about it.

  5. Good to know, Pat.

    Maria, I'll send you the synopsis and blurb as soon as I can.
