
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

100 Follower Book Giveaway

I knew The Great Blogging Experiment was going to be popular, but I had no idea there would be so many participants or that I would gain so many followers. As Colin Mochrie said on Whose Line Is It Anyway?, "You tolerate me! You really tolerate me!" As a thank you, I'd like to give away the following books:

1.  Red Hot Fury

2. Love in the Time of Dragons

3. The Crystal Throne--This one is signed by the author!

4. Writing the Other: A Practical Approach

To enter, all you have to do is a) be a follower, b) leave a comment on this post, and c) tell me which books you're interested in. You can enter to win one, some, or all of the books. Please leave your comment by midnight CDT Sunday, October 3rd. For each book, I'll draw a winner at random out of all the people entered for that particular book. Winners will be announced on Monday, October 4th. Good luck!


  1. I did my first guest post yesterday and I felt the same way -somebody tolerates me! :)

  2. I didn't know the Great Blogging Experiment was going to be so popular either. It was very cool.

    All the books look interesting. =)

  3. I'm a follower and intereseted in The Crystal Throne.

  4. HI! Whast a great idea!! Would love to win "Writing the Other"

    Thanks for following my blog BTW! :)

  5. Hi Sandra, I really enjoyed the blogging experiment too. I'm interested in: Writing the other.
    thanks for hosting a contest:-)

  6. Hi again, it's your newest follower. :) Congrats on hitting the hundred!

    I've been interested in "Love in the time of Dragons." So sign me up please. ;)

  7. Congrats on hitting 100. I'm a longtime follower (and loving every post), and I'd like to win the "Writing The Other" book. While the rest are enjoyable, I probably could "use" this book more than the rest. Good luck to everyone else entering.

  8. Congratulations on your large follower count!

    I would really, really love to win "Love in the Time of Dragons" :-)

  9. Hello Sandra. Great idea! Count me in for all the books ;)

  10. Nuts! I just missed the book giveaway. I'll keep popping by to enter the next one. btw, I love your blog background!
