
Friday, July 02, 2010


I finally joined the Absolute Write Water Cooler forum. You can find me there as SF4-EVER, though I still have to make my first post. I'm not sure yet if I'll start an introduction thread or just jump on in. It looks like a very useful site--as long as I don't use up my writing time on surfing!

My Twitter Query Contest ends today at 5:00 CDT. Which pitch should I use next week in a contest? Check out the link for your chance to win a $10 gift card to B&N.

If you look at the sticky post above this one, you'll see that today is also the last day you can ask Maria Zannini to give your blog a "shout-out." This is not only a chance to promote your blog; you can also win a very Texan prize package. Better hurry!

I'll be back later this evening to announce who won the gift card.


  1. You'll like Absolute Write. Subscribe to the topics, that way the stuff that's of interest to you comes to your email so you don't have to spend a lot of time surfing.

    AW is a great resource, especially about agents.

  2. A water cooler forum. Sounds interesting.

  3. As in, writers gathered around the water cooler talking shop. Not a forum devoted to water coolers.
