
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Driving and Dogs

I hate to talk about the weather, but it was certainly blog-worthy today. I'm not sure how much snow we received, but with that and the winds, I was a Nervous Nellie on the roads today. It took me about forty minutes (instead of my normal fifteen-twenty, depending on the route I take) each way. Of course, I was going much slower than normal. My boss was kind enough to let us leave early, so that helped. I'm wondering if I should go in at the normal time tomorrow or not. It'll depend on how much snow we get overnight. I really should go in at my regular time to start an experiment, though.

I spent some time with Eugene tonight watching the Westminster Dog Show. There are some beautiful dogs out there, and some of the breeds were new to me. It's also amazing how the judges can evaluate so many breeds, holding each one up to its standard, without taking notes. I wasn't sure which dog to pick for Best in Show, but Eugene correctly predicted the winner. He may not be a judge, but he knows more about dogs than I do!

1 comment:

  1. I hate driving in this weather, too. I dreaded going out yesterday when I had to pick up the kids.
    I missed the dog show this year! I usually watch it, but I forgot it was on. I saw the winner on the news this morning - very cute!
