
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Baby Shopping

Eugene suggested the title of this post to make people wonder what we meant. No, we didn't find any babies for sale this weekend. Guess it's a good thing we did it ourselves. ;)

We went to Babies-R-Us this weekend to look at cribs. I've heard they can take months to come in, so it might not be too soon to order one. That is, if we can decide on one. There were several models set up in the store; through trial and error, we realized that we need to get one with a drop-down side. Given my lack of height, it's the only way I can reach into the crib. We did see a couple of models we liked, but since I forgot the Baby Bargains book at home, we held off on ordering. The book did say that this manufacturer makes good cribs but not-so-great furniture. I asked about that on a forum I belong to, and the moms there were satisfied. But then I looked at the reviews on the BRU website, and they were decidedly mixed. Several people even said their children were able to climb out of the cribs--not a good sign at all! All cribs sold in the U.S. are supposed to meet certain safety standards no matter what the price is. I'd like to think this model really will be safe, as we will probably end up buying a crib from BRU. We haven't found another place close to us where we can look and feel the cribs before choosing one.

Travel systems are also tough. We've definitely decided on the car seat, but the Baby Bargains book says the matching stroller isn't very durable. We did see another possible stroller at the store. It's more expensive, but it's lighter and has a higher rating. But will we be able to use it with the car seat? There's the rub.

At least I don't have to worry about clothing, as my mom seems to be taking care of that all by herself. But I think the baby registry is going to be much harder to create than the wedding ones.


  1. Isn't "baby shopping" fun?! I remember doing this when I was pregnant, and the excitement of it all! Many things I got handed down to me from my sister-in-law, as she had kids just a few years older, and didn't need them anymore. But I always enjoyed buying some new things!
    When is your due date??

  2. June 19th. I should probably put it in my profile for easy reference.

  3. Oh, how wonderful! I'm so happy for you!! :) :)

  4. Yes, baby shopping can be fun and intoxicating :) I found the best accessary to bring along is a friend that already had children, and helped me register for the necessities, because I would have come home with all the, "oohhh, ahhhh, isn't this so cute, gotta have that." Then, after my baby shower, I purchased everything left on the registry.

    P.S. My mom pretty much purchased all the stuff on my registry too, much to the other invities dismay ;)
