
Monday, March 06, 2006

Daily Check-In

Well, I repeated my experiment from Friday, and this time it worked. I noted a couple of things I should discuss with my boss when I bring in my results tomorrow, though. Since I was working from home again, I was able to write two reviews today before turning to my own project. I wrote 539 words on Key. I'm noticing that even though I did write a rough outline of this part of the novel before writing it, I'm still improvising a lot of the scenes. That's not surprising; when I wrote the outline, it was very general, just summarizing that the characters were looking for Scott and what he was doing when they found him. Actually, I just pulled up the outline and realized I'm not following it as closely as I thought I was. Well, it's been a while since I've looked at it. Just goes to show why I haven't bothered with outlines in the past, but I do need to try them again and see if they will help me with Day. Maybe I should return to working on the outline for that and count the words towards my daily quota. (So far I've been only counting words that are part of an actual draft, which is why I've been focusing on Key much more than Day. I'm not sure how I want to go forward with that.)

There's still some time before bed, but I think I'll see what my husband is up to instead of sitting at the computer all night.

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