
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

September Writing Update and Cover for Restaurants and Revenge!

Only three more months left of 2023. I still have so many projects I want to work on but so little time. Hopefully now that the annual recertification audit for work is over, I'll be able to use some more vacation time. I'll need it to clear some of these projects listed below:

Short Stories: I have one short story currently on the market, and I just finished reviewing my short story author proof for the forthcoming Solarpunk Creatures anthology.

Restaurants and Revenge:  I just got the cover for Restaurants and Revenge! Expect to see the ebook coming soon to the major distributors!


I'm about halfway through the next book in the series (Bubble Tea and a Body), but it's currently on the backburner.

Season Avatars/World Avatars: Once I finish up Restaurants and Revenge, I can focus on The Season Between, a collection of short stories that will bridge the gap between the Season Avatars and the sequel World Avatars series. I'm currently drafting the first book of the World Series, Avatars Abroad, which will feature mostly new characters. I'm also trying to plot the overall arc of the series. I know how I want it to end, but getting there is always the challenge.

Good Omens: Confession time--the main characters of this show have taken over my brain (in case that wasn't obvious from some of my previous posts). Yes, I'm writing fanfic about this series as a way of coping with the Season Two finale. Hopefully Season Three won't take another four years to air!

What projects are you working on? Feel free to share in the comments.


  1. Fun cover. Isn't that a school room in the background?

  2. Thanks, Alex! Yes, in this book, the murder takes place during a food safety class.
