
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Vacation 2023

At the end of June, my family and I took a vacation for the first time in several years. We divided our time between Philadelphia and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. My husband has always wanted to visit Gettysburg, so when we decided to go to Philadelphia, I suggested we add on the side trip. We went on a ghost tour, drove around the battlefield with a licensed guide, and visited several museums in the town. In Philadelphia, our main focus was the historical area, particularly Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, the Betsy Ross House, and Christ Church, along with the burial ground. We also visited the U.S. Mint, a natural history museum, and Valley Forge. My son will definitely have a leg up for his U.S. History class in the fall! We've already decided our next vacation will be to London, though I also want to fulfill one of my bucket list items and visit Liverpool. Here are a few photos from the trip:


A house in Gettysburg that suffered a lot of damage during the battle (the white spots are repairs)
Recreations of some of the cabins used by Washington's guards at Valley Forge.
A statue of George Washington at Valley Forge.


  Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge.

1 comment:

  1. You hit everything! I enjoy seeing historical sights and museums. We have several battlefields not far from us.
    Everything about London is history, so you will go nuts there. And go off the beaten path. Trust me, you'll find some cool buildings and sights that way.
