
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Book Discovery

How do you discover new books you want to read? For a long time, I was mostly dependent on bookstores and libraries. These days, I most often find books through the bargain ebook lists I subscribe to. I also follow some authors on social media or Amazon so I can pre-order their books. I seldom visit a physical bookstore, but I still thrill at spending some time at my local library and browsing through my favorite sections. I will pick up books if I'm familiar with the author or series, but I'm usually willing to try a book if the description is enticing. I also belong to a local book club, which often gets me reading books outside my typical genres. Although I sometimes pick up books through word-of-mouth recommendations, it's less effective than some of the other methods listed above.

What's your preferred method for discovering books? Feel free to share in the comments.

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