
Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Insecure Writer's Support Group: Writer Highs and Lows


May the Fourth be with you! Late April to late May is my favorite time of year will all the flowers in bloom. It's also a busy time of year as I prepare to celebrate my son's birthday at the end of the month and attend WisCon (which I will probably do virtually this year). Despite all this, there's still time to talk about writing and post for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Learn more about them on their website and Facebook page

This month's post is inspired by Charles Dickens: It's the best of times; it's the worst of times. What are your writer highs (the good times)? And what are your writer lows (the crappy times)?
In no particular order, here are some of my writer highs:
1. Getting together with other writers.
2. Finishing a story.
3. Selling a story (or seeing that someone bought one of my books).
4. Hearing from a reader who enjoys my work or who gets what I was trying to do with a story.
5. Solving a problem I've been stuck on or making connections within a story.
6. Getting inspired for a new project. 
7. Getting a good review or being nominated for a reward.

And here are some of my writer lows:

1. Learning a story got rejected.
2. Bad reviews.
3. Getting stuck or having to discard hours of work.
4. Unsuccessful marketing campaigns.

Writing is the main way I strive to authentically connect with others and with something better than myself. Therefore, anything that helps me build connections is a win, while failing to make connections is a setback.

What are some of your writer highs and lows? Is writing about connection for you too? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


  1. Building connections - I like that!

  2. The writing community itself is a high. Great bunch of people.

  3. When you reach out and stay connected with other writers it really helps a lot. You don't feel so alone on the journey when you hang out with other writers even if just virtually.
