
Wednesday, February 02, 2022

IWSG: Missing Mentors

Happy Groundhog Day! Here's hoping you're not seeing lots of snow where you are. I'd hate to deal with that over and over! Today is also blogging day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Learn more about them on their website, Facebook, and Twitter.

Our hosts for this month are Joylene Nowell ButlerJacqui Murray, Sandra Cox, and Lee Lowery

Our question for this month is Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? Anyone you miss?

The first person who came to mind when I read this question was Kathleen Massie-Ferch, who taught the first writing class I attended. After the writing class, I maintained contact with her at conventions like WisCon. She mostly wrote short stories and had edited two anthologies. She passed away of breast cancer about twenty years ago before she had a chance to finish the novel she was working on--and before I sold my first short story. 

This question also reminded me of some of the friends I've made through writing workshops, though I still have contact with some of them through Facebook. Hopefully this year we can have more in-person conventions. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to attend either WisCon or ChiCon this year, but it would be great to see some of those writers again.

Do you have any writing mentors who've passed on to the Eternal Convention? Feel free to discuss them in the comments or share a link to your own posts about them. 


  1. Sorry she passed before finishing her novel. Her dream lives on in you now.

  2. What a lovely remembrance to your writing instructor.
    Take special care.

  3. I'm sorry she never saw her book published. I do hope you get to a con and see some friends. It was SO nice to attend cons again last year and catch up with both vendor and buyer friends.

  4. Sorry about your mentor and friend passing away, especially before she could finish her book. Cancer has killed too many people in our world. I've only been to a few conventions since the pandemic. I'm planning to have a table at one in my area in March but I can't be sure. With the Omicron having become a problem it wouldn't surprise me if it gets canceled. I hope you're able to get to some cons soon.
