
Wednesday, August 04, 2021

IWSG: Favorite Writing Books

It may be August, but with kids heading back to school this month, it feels like fall and summer are butting heads. Hope you're enjoying the month no matter what type of weather you're having.

With a new month comes another edition of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Learn more about them on their website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed. Our hosts this month are PK Hrezo, Cathrina Constantine, PJ Colando, Kim Lajevardi, and Sandra Cox.

Here's our question for August: What is your favorite writing craft book? Think of a book that every time you read it you learn something or you are inspired to write or try the new technique. And why?

It's been a long time since I've read the Writer's Digest books, but as you can see from the photo below, I have several of them in my library. Some of the books that I learned the most from are Dibell's Plot and Orson Scott Card's Characters & Viewpoint. These are books I read when I was just starting out as a writer, so they helped me with the basics. I also recommend The Heroine's Journey by Gail Carriger as a counter to the traditional hero's journey popularized by Joseph Campbell. 

What are your favorite writing books? Feel free to share them in the comments.



  1. I have a book on writing by Card, but I don't think it's that one.

  2. I see some Beatles stuff, too!

  3. Hi, Sandra! Thanks for your recommendations. I'm definitely curious about Orsin Scott Card's book because I enjoy his books. Have a happy and safe August!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I just got The Heroine's Journey. I'm curious about how it's different from Campbell's or Vogler's books.
