
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

General Update 7/22/20

1. Remember how I was talking a couple weeks ago about the difficulties of uploading my stories to the Apple Store? I figured out how to convert them to the right format. Although I don't have Apple devices, I do have an Apple ID. I was able to use that to log onto iCloud and access the Pages app. That allowed me to convert my files to EPUBs the Apple Store could accept. I was able to upload my books to the Apple Store.

2. Another part of getting my publishing ducks in a row was updating my universal book links. I took care of that last Friday, which was a vacation day for me. Some of it was automatic, but I had to copy/paste links too. At least I don't have to update the links in my books just yet.

3. My cozy mystery novel is close to 48,000 words. I hope to finish the first draft by the end of the month, though I expect it to be less than 60,000 words. Some sites say cozy mysteries should be around this range, while others say between 70,000-80,000.)

4. I also started an unrelated short story. I don't want to go into detail, but it's a new twist on an old fairy tale. Hopefully I haven't jinxed this project for myself by discussing it.

5. Hopefully once the cozy mystery and the short story are done, I can return to the last book of my urban fantasy trilogy. I left my hero under perilous circumstances.

6. Other projects I've been working on include sewing masks, baking, and making ice cream. Maybe I can host an afternoon tea when there's a vaccine.

7. While we haven't gone out much this summer, we were able to return to the Field Museum on Sunday. It was strange seeing the main hall (pictured above) so empty on a Sunday afternoon.

So, what's new with you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


  1. Glad you figured out the issue with the Apple Store. And you are writing so much.
    At least your museums are open. We'll be closed forever it looks like. Or at least through this year.

  2. The Field Museum remains my favorite museum of all time.

    Ironically, back when we used to go regularly (50 years ago), you could always find it empty in the mornings. I would go first thing in the morning and sketch some of the exhibits. By midday when people started to get in my way, it was time to go home.

    Enjoy the solitude. It's magical.

  3. That is really empty for a Sunday.

    Hold afternoon tea outside. We've had friends over on our new patio and been able to distance. If you wait for a vaccine, who knows when a safe one will be available. Plus a lot of people won't get it anyway.

  4. I hope things improve where you are, Alex!

    Thanks, Maria!

    Diane, unfortunately we don't have a big enough deck in the back yard to host anyone other than the birds. Perhaps we can improvise something.
