
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

IWSG: Family Traditions and Stories

Whether or not March came in like a lion or a lamb in your area, it brought in another Insecure Writer's Support Group post. You can learn more about the IWSG on their website, Facebook, or Twitter account.

This month's hosts are Jacqui Murray, Lisa Buie-Collard, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, and Shannon Lawrence.

Our question this month is Other than the obvious holiday traditions, have you ever included any personal or family traditions/customs in your stories? 

One of my short stories, "Bugged Out at the Museum," was inspired by our annual tradition of attending Member's Night at the Field Museum. Members are allowed to go behind the scenes to see how exhibits are set up and how research is conducted. One of the biggest attractions of the night is the "Insect Petting Zoo," where members can hold hissing cockroaches and other creatures. I drew on this to write "Bugged Out at the Museum." It was originally published in a bugs-theme issue of Indie Writers Monthly and republished last in my fantasy short story collection Ordinary Wonders.

Do you write about your family's customs or traditions in your stories? Feel free to share your answers in the comments.


  1. Your yearly overnight trip where you spend the night? Now that was a clever tradition to use.

  2. What an interesting thing to do, visit a museum like that. Ugh, bugs!

  3. Wow! That must have been exciting. I don't blame for writing about it. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  4. That's really cool to be able to go behind the scenes like that! I don't think I'd want to touch any bugs, though, LOL!

  5. Behind the scenes would be fun, but I do have a thing about cockroaches. Snakes I'd be good with though.

  6. Alex, Dozing with the Dinos is a separate event. That would make an interesting story inspiration, though.

    Lisa, don't worry; there's a lot more to see at the Field Museum besides bugs.

    Thanks, Anna!

    Sarah, I guess I should post some pictures from the next Members' Night we attend.

    Diane, I don't think they have snakes at the Field Museum, though I did see a reptile rescue booth at C2E2 on Sunday.

  7. Fascinating tradition. I just pass up the opportunity to pet the insects at any insect-petting zoo. Certain bugs send shivers up me! Lol Although as they say, if you don't bug the bug, the bug won't bug you lol (in most cases at least).

  8. That visit to the Field Museum is awesome. When I wrote my post, I forgot how I mention food (certain foods I make) in some of my stories.
