
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dear Writer, You Need to Quit

Are you looking for a "magic bullet" or a guaranteed "ten-step program for success"? If you are, then Dear Writer, You Need to Quit by Becca Syme is not for you. Instead, Syme, an author turned coach, wants to change your mind-set. She doesn't want you to quit writing; instead, she wants to help you quit bad habits that hinder your work.

According to Syme, your productivity can be affected by minor things, even what you do the first thing in the morning. (Spoiler alert: checking e-mail or social media can send you on a chase that can hamper your productivity.) However, being productive doesn't necessarily mean you have to write a book every month. Some authors may be able to manage that, but others need more time to process their stories. Some authors may plan their stories in advance, while others discover it as they write. However, attempting to imitate another author's work methods doesn't guarantee success for you. To put things into perspective, Syme reminds us that there are more than seven million books on Amazon, and the vast majority of them don't get good sales. Even a skilled author needs luck for success.

What should you be looking for when you pick up this book? Uncomfortable truths that can help you grow. So put away the phone (or at least turn off the internet) and check it out.


  1. Does she ever scream 'You can't handle the truth'?
    Most books don't sell. If one is in this to make a bunch of money that person is in the wrong profession.

  2. Sometimes it is just luck that a book gets noticed and purchased.

  3. Not a bad idea--quitting bad habits. But they are comfortable--that's my problem.

  4. Alex, no, she didn't scream that.

    Diane, I agree.

    Jacqui, if they weren't comfortable, we wouldn't have those habits in the first place!
