
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Saving Story Ideas

While I was cleaning my office last week, I came upon a trove of sticky notes full of story ideas, haiku, and other odd thoughts. Many of them I'd forgotten about. Some of these notes are for current series, while others are for story ideas that I haven't done anything with. I've been trying to declutter, so instead of keeping them, I transcribed them into a Word document. I have a bunch more to finish. I suppose there are plenty of apps people can use instead for capturing thoughts on the go. Perhaps when I upgrade my phone to one with more memory, I might be able to use of of them. In the meantime, here's an old haiku on one of those sticky notes that fits the topic:

So many boxes.
Things I used enough to save
Now they’re forgotten.

How do you organize your story notes? Do you keep them on paper or in electronic form? Feel free to share in the comments.


  1. What story ideas?
    If it's for something I'm working on, I'll jot it down in a Word document. All else just stays in my head until I need it.

  2. For me, everything gets jotted down on paper. In theory, all those papers are supposed to go into neatly organized folders. In practice, things are pretty messy, but I do have a general sense of where stuff is when I need it.
