
Monday, September 10, 2018

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to Eugene, the man who always knows how to make me smile! This picture was taken on our honeymoon. It can be hard to find time to celebrate a special day during the week. We discussed going out for dinner yesterday, but it didn't work out. Maybe this coming weekend we can do something. What do you do if your birthday or anniversary falls on a workday? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


  1. Happy anniversary!
    We usually just go out to dinner. Unless it's a milestone year like twenty-five where we went out of town for a few days.

  2. Happy anniversary. My birthday is on Thanksgiving this year. 😂

  3. Happy anniversary!

    All our married lives we've treated holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries as just another day. Since Greg worked shift or in later years when we sometimes didn't see each other for weeks, we just celebrated when we were together again.

    Sometimes the best gift was just spending time with one another without having to work. :)
