
Friday, June 15, 2018

Science of the Week, 6/15/18

Here are some of the most interesting science news stories I read this week:

Changes in Earth's orbit could explain rise and fall of ancient species

Building a robotic eel that swims through your body

Researchers reverse cognitive impairments in mice with dementia

Oak Ridge Lab launches America's new top supercomputer for science

In desert trials, next-generation water harvester delivers fresh water from air

Research finds tipping point (hint: it's 25%) for large-scale social change

Choice matters: the environmental costs of producing meat, seafood

New system recovers fresh water from power plants

Mineralogy on Mars points to a cold and icy ancient climate

AI senses people's pose through walls

Evidence for a new property of quantum matter revealed

Higgs tangoes with top quark in latest physics discovery

"Gut instinct" may have been the GPS of human ancestors

Have a good weekend, everyone, and if you have the chance to spend some time with your father, do it! See you on Monday!


  1. Social change requires only one out of three - that explains a lot.
    My gut instinct would have me lost in the desert.

  2. Guess that explains the Israelites wandering the desert for 40 years.
