
Friday, February 23, 2018

Science of the Week, 2/23/18

Here are some of the most interesting science news stories I read this week:

System draws power from daily temperature swings

Hidden talents: converting heat into electricity with pencil and paper

Scientists shed light on biological roots of individuality

Unconventional superconductor may be used to create quantum computers of the future

Entomologist uses natural cravings to control invasive ants

New shark species confirmed

New structure discovered in human sperm tails

Urban mining to reduce environmental footprint of consumer goods

Researchers invent tiny, light-powered wired to modulate brain's electrical signals

Some black holes erase your past

Have a good weekend, and I'll see you Monday!


  1. We watched a shark special last year where in the course of the hour long special (maybe a month in real time) they discovered seven new species of sharks. They were hauling them up from the depths.

  2. Oh good they need some new sharks for Sharknado 8
