
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Seasonal Stories from the Sagan

I don't have any new holiday stories this year, so I thought I post about the ones I have set in the Catalyst Chronicles universe. There are two of them published together under the name "Seasonal Stories from the Sagan." They're set during Twinned Universes, so it's best to be familiar with that book before reading them. Here's the universal link, a direct link to Amazon, and blurb if you're interested.

Two short stories set in the science fiction Catalyst Chronicles universe during the time of Twinned Universes. (Warning: contains spoilers for Twinned Universes.) Both storie

"A Solstice in Space"--Cass wants to celebrate the winter solstice with her friends and family, but they don't share her pagan beliefs. Can they create a ceremony that respects everyone's beliefs, or will she have to observe the solstice by herself? And how can you celebrate a solstice when you're not even on a planet?

"Snowballs in Space"--Paul's plans to have a snowball fight with his friends may land him in hot water with the Sagan's officers when he "borrows" a lot of materials to make fake snow.

s take place on the starship Sagan.

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