
Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Tentative Release Date for Summon the Seasons

Although I'm writing a new book, I haven't been able to leave the publisher hat hanging. In the last week, I contacted Maria Zannini about cover art for Summon the Seasons (she's already drafted a gorgeous cover), revised the blurb I posted last week, assigned ISBNs to the paper and eBook versions, and added it to Goodreads. For Goodreads, I had to pick a tentative release date. After some thought, I chose October 9th in honor of John Lennon, my "patron muse." I've released two other books (Lyon's Legacy and Seasons' Beginnings) in October, and I thought at first releasing the latest book on one of their anniversaries. October 6th felt a little early, and October 21st is getting close to Halloween. John Lennon's birthday is still a bit early, but I should be able to prepare the paper edition on Createspace and proof it in that that time. Probably the hardest part of this release is deciding what kind of promotion to do, particularly since it's the series finale. A sale on the other books in the series? A blog tour? Giveaway? Facebook party? Or do I just go out to dinner with my family? Leave your thoughts in the comments, and keep coming back for updates.


  1. Do it all. A short blog tour (you know you're always welcome at my site), sale on the first book, a giveaway of the series, and a party on Facebook. (Whatever that means.) And of course go out to dinner with your family!

  2. You're welcome on my blog too.😉

  3. Hopefully I have enough time to plan it all. Thanks for the offers, Alex and Pat! I'll have to discuss the blog tour with you when it gets closer to the release date.

  4. Several years ago, I did a Facebook event with a friend and it was pretty successful. I was surprised so many people showed up. :)
