
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Blurb for Summon the Seasons

Line edits are just about done for Summon the Seasons, though I'm still adding a few details to the text here and there. In the meantime, there are other parts to the publishing process that I need to take care of, like the blurb. Here's a rough draft; feel free to leave feedback in the comments:

Kay might be the youngest, smallest, and least confident Season Avatar, but she has the most powerful magic of all—weather magic. Only she can draw magic from Chaos Season, the magical weather storm that mixes up the seasons in Challen, and share it with the rest of her quartet. Now that she also has spirit magic and can contact the souls of dead Season Avatars, her quartet finally has a chance to unite all twelve Season Avatars and end Chaos Season permanently.

Achieving this goal will not be easy. Kay and her sister Avatars need three more bones from the dead Avatars. To obtain them, they must travel from one side of Challen to the other, evading the King’s Watch and Selathens who want to protect their patron demigoddess, Salth, creator of Chaos Season. On the journey, Kay’s deepest beliefs about her God and her longtime enemy, Dorian, will be challenged. If Kay loses her newfound courage, she will fall before Salth, and the rest of the Season Avatars and her country with her.


  1. Maybe cut down some of the back story in the first paragraph.

  2. Sounds good, although seeing as this is part of a series, your readers will probably know a lot of what's in the first paragraph already. Having said that, if you're not familiar with the series, it may not make sense if you cut it...

  3. Thanks for the feedback, Pat and DRC!

  4. It's a 175 words which is a little dense for a back cover blurb.

    You could stop at the first paragraph, but the bit about the three bones is too delicious to leave out.

    I tried condensing the second paragraph to this:

    Three more bones are needed from long dead Avatars. To obtain them, the Avatars must travel from one side of Challen to the other, evading the King’s Watch and Selathens who will stop at nothing to protect their patron demigoddess, Salth, creator of Chaos Season.

    If Kay loses her newfound courage, she will fall before Salth, taking the rest of the Season Avatars and her country with her.

    You could also compress a little of the first paragraph so you could include a little more of the second.

    It's all good, just long.
