
Monday, May 01, 2017

The News You Missed

April was obviously an active month for blogging, but my family and I were busy with other activities too.

We dozed with the dinos again at the Field Museum. (This time, we found a better spot to sleep--though Alex didn't get to spend the night on his favorite bed in the Egyptian marketplace.)

We also got to go behind the scenes and see dinosaur fossils that aren't on display. They have so many some are still in their field jackets, waiting for preparation.

 I marched for science in Chicago. Due to poor weather, lack of energy, and my plantar fasciitis, I skipped the climate march.
 The March for Science was the same weekend as C2E2. I hunted droids, including this oddly shaped one that was looking for a doctor. I walked over 19,000 steps on April 22nd, my second highest distance since I started tracking my steps. No wonder my feet are so sore!

My husband and son had a blast getting blasted at...

So I awarded Alex the Dark Side Cookie Award. I'm wearing my Imperial Staff Officer costume, which was just approved by the 501st Legion.
Here's a better view of the costume. (Humm, maybe next year I'll do Star Wars Costuming A-Z.)

Oh, and I finally finished the developmental edit of Summon the Seasons. Now to format it and maybe give it a quick sentence-level edit before I send it to the beta readers.

So, what did you do this April? Feel free to share in the comments.


  1. Now I have a new steps goal! I haven't hit quite that many yet, although ten thousand a day is a piece of cake.
    You should do the Challenge on Star Wars costumes.

  2. It sure was, Pat! It worked out to about seven miles.

    Alex, I can only get ten thousand steps if I go on the treadmill or walk outside. I don't get enough steps in otherwise. This week, I think I'm going to rest my foot. Maybe I should get my bike tire fixed so I can go biking instead.

  3. You were busy! I love the sleepover at the Field Museum. Something tells me I'd be "sleep walking" to other parts of the museum.
