
Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Season Avatars #A-ZChallenge: Dorian and the Dead Land & IWSG

Dorian gran Garnell is one of the Winter Avatars. He considers himself the most skilled of the three Winter Avatars at controlling the weather and thinks Kay, another Winter Avatar, isn't worthy of the title. He loves Margaret, the Spring Avatar of his quartet. Her death just before the beginning of Scattered Seasons brings out the worst in him, both in Chaos Season and Fifth Season.

The Dead Land is another name for Selath, the area to the west of Challen. Since the time of Seasons' Beginnings, Salth, who styles herself the Demigoddess of Time, has drained all the life out of the region. Nothing, not plants or animals or even soil microbes, lives there. Anything that tries to enter the Dead Land doesn't last very long. Because of this curse, we see little of The Dead Land in the four books currently available. That will change in Book Five, Summon the Seasons.

This is also the first Wednesday in April, so it's also post day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. The co-hosts this month are Christopher D. VoteyMadeline Mora-Summonte, Fundy Blue, and Chrys Fey. The question this month is a timely one: Have you taken advantage of the annual A to Z Challenge in terms of marketing, networking, publicity for your book? What were the results?

Obviously, this month I am using the A-Z Challenge to publicize my fantasy Season Avatars series. It's still too early to tell what the results will be. I also have a few paid promotions running this month, but since I know when they are, I can attribute any download spikes appropriately. In the meantime, please feel free to download Seasons' Beginnings if you like the premise of this series; the prequel is permafree!


  1. Timely question for you. Let us know next month if you thought it made a difference.

  2. Good luck with your promotions!

  3. An example in the works! Way to go. I hope you have fabulous results!

  4. Hello, darling! You know, there are elements in here that remind me of DK Holmberg... have you read him at all? I'm totally going to have to see how your series compares...

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    Susan, I've seen ads for some of Holmberg's work, but I haven't read them. I downloaded a couple of samples yesterday to check them out. I did notice one series is about flower magic, similar to Jenna's plant magic, so it'll be interesting to compare that series to my work.

  6. Good luck with A to Z and the networking. I hope you make lots of new friends. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette
