
Friday, March 24, 2017

Science of the Week, 3/24/17

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Scientists reveal how an ancient biological clock works

Algorithm leads to blood test for autism

Routine blood tests can help measure a patient's future risk for chronic disease

Wi-fi on rays of light: 100 times faster, and never overloaded

Information avoidance: how people select their own reality

Evidence disproving tropical "thermostat" theory: global warming can breach limits for life

Heavy California rains par for the course for climate change

New force in the fight against food waste

"Super sponge" promises effective toxic clean-up of lakes and more

Have a good weekend, and see you Monday!


  1. That would be a big breakthrough for WiFi.

  2. Cool, if WiFi is on light, then can I really cut the cord with the cable company? That'd be great.
