
Friday, February 17, 2017

Science of the Week, 2/17/17

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Now you can "build your own bio-bot"

Will androids dream of quantum sheep?

How eating less can slow the aging process

How untreated water is making our kids sick

New method to detect ultrasound with light

Black hole spotted producing cold, star-making fuel from hot plasma jets and bubbles

Researchers personalize virtual reality displays to match a user's eyesight

The heart of a far-off star beats for its planet

Voice control everywhere: chip could make it ubiquitous in electronics

Population density pushes the "slow life"

Technology puts "touch" into long-distance relationships

Biological experiments become transparent--anywhere, any time

Have a good weekend, everyone, and see you Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Eating less leaves you looking younger? No wonder I look terrible.
