
Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Cloud Library

It's been a long time since I checked out an eBook from my local library. I don't remember all of the steps in the process, but I remember having to go through Amazon to get the book. This weekend, I wanted to read Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to get more background on the characters (and also to avoid watching it for the fifth time. My son kind of likes the movie, to put it mildly.) The physical copy was out, but the eBook was available. However, my library has a new (to me, at least) method for downloading eBooks: the Cloud Library app. The app is available for both Apple and Android, but not that many libraries are part of it so far?

It was pretty easy installing the app, and once I selected my library and entered my library card information, I was able to get the book very quickly. Every time I open the app, it defaults to a browsing screen instead of my book. However, it does show my progress in the book and how many days I have left for the loan. I have to admit I'm a bit spoiled by using the Kindle app; I miss being able to highlight text or see how much reading time is left in the chapter or book. However, one advantage of the Cloud Library app is that it remains in the Portrait orientation. (For some reason, my Kindle app now always shows books in the Landscape orientation, which I don't like.) Still, despite the shortcomings of Cloud Library, I'll continue to use it, just as I'll borrow paper books if there's no eBook available. However, I find the paper format more and more cumbersome. I tend to only read paper books at home now, particularly while I'm on the treadmill. It's much harder to keep paper pages open (I have to use a chip clip) and turn them than it is to swipe a Kindle with a finger.

Do you borrow eBooks from your library? If so, do you use Overdrive, Cloud Library, or something else to download them?


  1. I've not checked out any books from our library in years. I have no idea what system they have.
    I've also not purchased a print book in years. My iPad has spoiled me. I do prefer the iBookstore to the Kindle app though.

  2. I don't really have a local library but I have like 55 books to read on the Kindle so I haven't needed it.
