
Monday, January 02, 2017

2016 Reading Review and 2017 Goals

Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I didn't get as many "fun" activities done during my break as I'd hoped, but I purged a lot of old documents and other things from my office. I also updated the back matter (including book links and info about my Instafreebie giveaway) in all my works and put everything in wide distribution.

Anyway, I managed to get a lot of reading done on December 30th and finished the year with 202 books read. (Goodreads includes everything from short stories to multi-book editions as a single book, and my reading spanned the gamut.) Here's the breakdown by genre:

Science Fiction: 34
Fantasy: 95 (this is always my biggest category)
Other: 26
Non-Fiction: 47

Most of my stories were eBooks, but about 67 of the books were paper. The vast majority of those were library books. Only a handful were books owned by me or a family member. My paper To-Be-Read stack comes up to my shoulders, and I doubt it'll shrink much in 2017.

Here are some of the standout reads for me this year:I'm too lazy to hyperlink them all, but please let me know if you'd like more information about a particular book.

The Keys Stand Alone: The Soft World
Wonder City Stories
The Ugly Princess
Miss Landon and Aubranael
Sorcerer to the Crown
Too Much of a Good Thing
The Dorito Effect
The Sixteen Burdens
The Deathsniffer's Assistant

For 2017, I've scaled back my Goodreads reading challenge to 180 books. I might unofficially strive for 200 books since that's a more impressive number, but I don't want to worry about making my goal as much as I did last year.

Here are my writing and publishing goals for this year:


1. Complete the Young Seasons short story collection. I'm almost done with the last story, but I'm still working on the resolution.
2. Complete a children's (middle-grade level) book that I've already started. I may publish this under a pseudonym, so I'm not going to discuss it much in detail yet.
3. Draft the first book in a new urban fantasy series. I need to do some more research and story development before I start. This one may carry over to 2018 if necessary.
4. If time permits, finish some of the short stories that have been hanging around for a while.
5. Write a holiday short story set in the Season Avatars world.


1. The Young Seasons collection, tentatively in the first quarter of the year.
2. Summon the Seasons, the fifth and final book in the Season Avatars series. This may come out mid-year or later.
3. The Season Avatars holiday story mentioned earlier, probably in November or December.

Do you set goals for yourself every year? If so, feel free to share them in the comments.


  1. I only finished 142 books last year

  2. That's still an impressive number, Pat!

  3. You have some ambitious goals, but totally doable. I've always admired your organizational ability.

    I hope this is your best year yet!
