
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

To-Do Lists and Other Organizational Methods

Friday will be my last day of work for the year. I'm always stingy with my vacation days, since I never know when my son will get sick or if something happens at school or daycare. That means I still have a lot of time to use up. I'm not planning to go anywhere; instead, I'm making a master list in Word of everything from chores to do around the house, writing/publishing tasks to work on, other personal project, and even fun things for me and my family to do. By the time I finish this list, I'm sure it will be overwhelming and probably more than I'll realistically be able to complete in two weeks. I'm not going to plot out a timetable for all these activities either. After all, my productivity is going to depend in part on whether my son is home (and yes, I have activities with him on the list too). It may be a very informal way to manage my tasks, but as long as I complete a good amount of them, that's all I need.

How do you organize your tasks? Do you create to-do lists, or do you use another method? Do you use paper, apps, or a combination of them? Feel free to share your method (or madness, if you prefer) in the comments.


  1. Enjoy your two weeks off. I'm taking the week off in between the holidays, which will equate to eleven days off.
    Sometimes I make a list. Often I got things down on my iPad though.

  2. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time, Sandra. You deserve it.

    As to organizing, I have been using a paper notebook converted to a bullet journal to keep me on track. I keep my writing tasks of the day there and check them off as I complete them. I have collections of ideas for research, travel and other things that I do in connection with being an author. It is a great place to sketch in my off time, practicing the patterns that I use to illustrate my poetry. No sense in wasting fountain pen friendly paper! :)

    I don't keep my calendar of events in the bullet journal, except to note them on the day they arrive. I use various calendars, both paper and electronic to track my activities based on type. This is the one way that I deviate from a traditional bullet journal.

  3. I remember vacation. Good times. Have fun!

  4. I use paper for daily to-do lists, but for yearly projects I like to keep those on a Word document.
