
Friday, December 09, 2016

Science of the Week, 12/9/16

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Study suggests possible new target for treating and preventing Alzheimer's

Portions of the brain fall asleep and wake back up all the time

Parkinson's Disease linked to microbiome 

Protecting our food system in a changing climate

Marine microbes could help clean up environmental pollutants

Engineers develop first-ever capsule to treat hemophilia

Smart plants show ability thought reserved for animals

No safe level of smoking: even low-intensity smokers are at increased risk of early death

Are there tsunamis in the Great Lakes?

"Spooky" sightings in crystal point to extremely rare quantum spin liquid

The secret slimming effect of sweet potato waste

Blood products unaffected by drone trips

Images of faraway galaxies shed new light on dark matter


  1. Tsunamis in the Great Lakes? I hope not.

  2. I think some people's brains fall asleep and never wake up.
