
Friday, November 11, 2016

Science of the Week, 11/11/16

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Unlocking the secrets of T-Rex's tiny arms

Life took hold on land 300 million years earlier than thought

Semiconductor-free microelectronics are now possible, thanks to metamaterials

Genetically engineering disease-fighting cells

Climate change: more than heat waves and hurricanes

Immunization could prevent gastrointestinal disease like Salmonella

Human trials begin for Army-developed Zika vaccine

The fate of Neanderthal genes

Animal science professor identifies gut microbiota signatures of healthy aging

A new study concludes warm climate is more sensitive to changes in CO2

Have a good weekend, and I'll see you Monday!


  1. So the T-Rex's arms were pretty useless. Intelligent design at work.

  2. Human trials and army-developed - does it turn people into Captain America?
