
Friday, October 21, 2016

Science of the Week--10/21/16

Here are some of the most interesting science news articles I read this week:

Researchers capture Central Asia's "degreening"over millions of years into a modern-day desert

How scientists are taking on the global food crisis

Gene editing marks key step toward sickle cell cure

Impact of an aging population on caregivers

Diamonds aren't forever: team creates first quantum computer bridge

Was the secret spice in primal gene soup a thickener?

Plant discovered that neither photosynthesizes or blooms

Research finds that ultrasound slows brain ageing

Fish go nuts over new feed ingredient (I hope they don't end up with more allergens because of that!)

Stretchy optical fibers for implanting in the body

A promising step toward controlling Zika virus and dengue fever


  1. So our heads need an ultrasound now and then?

  2. Next time I forgot where my keys are I'll have to get an ultrasound.
