
Monday, May 09, 2016

Stop and Smell the Lilacs

I've mentioned before how busy I am with preparing for WisCon and my son's birthday at the end of the month and the release of Chaos Season in June. In addition to all that, we're also trying to finish assembling a new Star Wars costume for Alex so he can wear it for a big Star Wars event in early June (which will probably be the day before his birthday party). We also have our regular duties during the week and possible other social commitments on the weekends. What should I do to stay sane? Stop and smell the lilacs, of course!

We're about half an hour from a  park with magnificent lilac bushes.  We visit every year during peak bloom. Our schedule unexpectedly cleared up Friday evening, so we drove there. I can't reproduce the smell of lilacs, but here are some pictures, along with tulips. Enjoy!


  1. Need to take a breather now and then.
    And thanks, now I know what a lilac looks like.

  2. They look (and smell) even better in person, Alex!

  3. Gorgeous. I'll always remember the tulips they used to plant by Lincoln Park Zoo.
